Impressed by prateek's blog on Turing Test( )...I thought i should also try out the bot chat programs there i was Chatting with "Catty"- a simulation bot which searches the net for the words you use in your sentences and accordingly replies ( here is an account of our conversation!
Me: hi! my name is Ishan
Cat: My name is Fanda Stejskal.
Me: oh! nice...where are you from?
Cat: Where are you from?: Ida, Michigan, U.S.A.
Me: must be cold there!
Cat: Each insisted that the boat must be named, also, each demanded the right to supply the name.
Me: But where did the boat come up in the conversation?
Cat: There is even a way that one can feel like a participant in the conversation.
Me: hey!
Cat: What I liked most about NEARER MY GOD is that it felt like a relaxed and lengthy conversation with a friend.
Me: That was so incoherent!
Cat: Our Website is not intended to contain any information that is confidential, infringes the intellectual property rights of others, or is obscene, pornographic, libelous, defamatory, threatening or otherwise unlawful.
Cat: Don't post or transmit material that is confidential to you or a third party.
Me: hey wait a minute!
Cat: You wait a minute for Bayne to finish his cheese.
Me: what are you talking about?
Cat: We're talking with the - wait, it's now - it's officially past midnight, so it's your birthday.
Me: oh...didn't realise its my birthday!! birthday is on 7th April...not today!
Cat: HAppy BIRTHDAY Mr. biggrin. gif Singh?
Me: it isn't my birthday today
Cat: His birthday is on October 1, 1979, and his hobbies include appreciating music and being with friends.
Me: Whose birthday?
Cat: Happy birthday G.
Me: arre what the hell!
Cat: Excuse me but....: lol WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!??!?!
Me: precisely what I meant!!
Cat: Or more precisely: Successful representations of reality become more important than the reality they represent.
ME: hmmmm...guess so!
Cat: THE GUESS WHO ON THE WEB: The domain name www. theguesswho. com is under construction, so keep your eye out for it.
Me: ok..thnx for telling about that let us discuss something more important
Cat: It's more important to read to your child.
Me: i don't have a child!
Cat: Do you have a parent living in the household?
Me: yes..I do!
Cat: Who says you have to be insane to hear voices in your head?
Me: I guess that sums up your behaviour
Cat: His behaviour is both civilized and savage.
Me: who are you yapping about?
Cat: Make note of all that you experience so that you may write about it at the completion of the exercise.
Me: OK !! i'll definitely write this on my blog
Cat: James He definitely did that with this release!
Me: ???
Cat: Uhhh... sure.
Me: huh?
Cat: Peter I would definitely say we are not a Rap/Metal band and that we are quite unique with our melodies and harmonies combined with the harsh strength of pure metal!
Me: ya sure...lets dance @#$%@
Cat: Listed below are links to weblogs that reference 'But they sure do know how to point fingers.' from Alarming News.
Me: where is the list?
Cat: Roche recently announced it wouldn't take any more ADAP-eligible patients into its charity Fuzeon program in states where the ADAP isn't covering the drug or has put limits on how many patients get it.
ME: that was what we were talking about!
Cat: Take the What animal best portrays your sexual appetite??
Me: WHAT!!!!!!!!!!
Cat: The Brummie quartet return with this, their fifth album proper and, lets face it you already know pretty much what this albums going to sound like.
Me: I haven't even heard of the group
Cat: Boucher has had a break from the heavy duty of the Test series.
Me: Hey...finally something i know...but you know what? boucher deserves a rest after the spectacular match with 860 runs scored in a day
Cat: And yes, it will be out for the Neo Geo, and I'm sure that the gameplay will be something like the style of KOF...
Me: what are those?
Cat: And it just talks about, you know, like persevering through something terrible that happened and showing how she gets through it.
Me: i think i know how that feels!! you are torturing me
Cat: How do you prepare for the upcoming year?
Me: by living this year properly
Cat: Did you know that you lived before you were born on earth?
Me: yes...I read something of the kind in Shrimadbhagavadgita
Cat: Anyway, you've looked at the title of this episode recap and you're probably telling yourself that it has something to do with the mammary quotient on display in tonight's episode.
Me: HOLY #@$#!!! I was talking about the Gita, Dumb Bot!!!!
Cat: Is it possible that those who have expressed reservations about private Bills and suggested that we should wait for national legislation have a point?
Me: I don't know!
Cat: Sometimes the simple words are the bestablished you know?
Me: I know that...look at the professors in my college
Cat: How do YOU know that I don't know the truth?
Me: I was just guessing!
Cat: Find a site that you don't want in your search results?
Me: for god's sake
Cat: Do you not know what the Scripture says of Elijah, how he appeals to God against Israel?
Me: man...i am feeling sick!
Cat: I had an absolutely wonderful euphoric feeling.
Me: yes you sure did! You sadist piece of computerised crap!
Cat: Do you have any information on this, It made sense to me but I've not heard any more about it?
Me: go to wikipedia and search about it
Cat: Perhaps they need some one to register with various search engines?
Me: no they don't require any such thing
Cat: If your users require simple access to their existing email accounts then look no further than MailStart.
Me: I am leaving
Cat: Stefan nodded once more before leaving.
Me: Thank stefan on my behalf!! And goodbye!
Cat: As they were leaving the shop, the boy ran up to them.
You: Not again
Cat: Thanks again for your help and leadership in the St.